Every third Wednesday, Magi Lancaster will lead us in the Max Meditation System TM.
This is a five part meditation system that starts with a relaxing of the body, moving into a passive meditation (letting thoughts pass by and just observing them), focusing on a sacred word like "love" or "joy," and really tapping into the energy of that, finishing with a visualization that aligns with the sacred word and a bringing back into the body.
This is a five part meditation system that starts with a relaxing of the body, moving into a passive meditation (letting thoughts pass by and just observing them), focusing on a sacred word like "love" or "joy," and really tapping into the energy of that, finishing with a visualization that aligns with the sacred word and a bringing back into the body.

I am Magi! I am healer, artist and creative. I got my spiritual training with the Modern Mystery School International. A school that is a lineage of esoteric teachings that dates back 8,000 years. In 2019 after receiving one of their healing modalities, The Life Activation, I was awakened with a thirst to Know Thyself and began my spiritual and healing journey. The teachings helped me heal and changed my life in such a profound way that I wanted to offer the choice of healing to others. As I continued on my journey of healing my purpose began revealing itself and I realized how interwoven creativity and spirituality are and it is my mission on this earth to help the world embody and embrace their creative expression, fully, freely and authentically. My business name is Garden of Light (website coming soon).